

QueenBee Handmade

3 Autumn


Stitch count: 137 x 100 Floss: DMC - 3826, 919, 936, 310, 414, 839, Ecru, B5200, 3371

3 Christmas in Coming

Christmas in Coming

Stitch count: 100 x 100 Floss: DMC - 498, 898, 934, 420

3 Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Stitch count: 156 x 136 Floss: DMC - 3781, 814

3 Halloween Laundry

Halloween Laundry

Stitch count: 197 x 154 Floss: DMC - 310, Blanc, 3746, 3829, 3364, 780, 413

3 Halloween Night

Halloween Night

Stitch count: 153 x 57 Floss: DMC - 310 Weeks Dye Works - Pumpkin, Taffeta, Whitewash, Gold

3 Hanna Addison 1853

Hanna Addison 1853

Stitch count: 182 x 183 Floss: DMC - 3750, 730, 3012, 3328, 817, 3740, 921

3 Primitive Christmas Balls

Primitive Christmas Balls

Stitch count: 100 x 136 Floss: DMC - 433, 935, 3031, B5200, 816, 3371, 3820, 310

3 The Witch & Crow

The Witch & Crow

Stitch count: 130w x 130h Floss: Gentle Arts Sampler Threads - Nutmeg, Parchment, Tin Bucket, Shaker White, Cucumber, Parchment, Onyx, Bankers Grey...

3 Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Stitch count: 155 x 134 Floss: DMC - 3829, 310, 320, B5200

New Products For December - Cross Stitch Patterns

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